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The UK and China relationship
China is the UK’s fifth-largest trading partner. Recent issues have complicated the relationship with China, but opportunities remain.
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Horizon scanning
China is the UK’s fifth-largest trading partner. Recent issues have complicated the relationship with China, but opportunities remain.
House of Commons Library
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate on the future of human rights in Hong Kong is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 23 January, from 2:30-4:00pm. The debate will be opened by Tim Loughton MP.
House of Lords Library
In Focus
Relations between the UK and China are complex. China is an important trading partner for the UK but its human rights record and global actions attract regular concern and criticism. The Labour government has said that its relationship with China will be based on cooperation, competition and challenge. This briefing looks at the new government’s stance, as well as its position on issues such as Hong Kong, Taiwan and China’s human rights record.
House of Commons Library
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate on the anniversaries of the handover of Hong Kong and the implementation of the National Security Law is scheduled for Wednesday 29 June 2022, from 9:30-11:00am. The debate will be led by Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP.
House of Commons Library
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate on the role of British and overseas judges in Hong Kong is scheduled for Wednesday 30 March 2022, from 9.30-11.00am. The debate will be led by Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP.
House of Commons Library
Research Briefing
On 30 June 2020, the People’s Republic of China’s parliament passed a new National Security Law for Hong Kong, bypassing the territory’s own Legislative Council. This paper looks at the law and events in Hong Kong since it passed.
House of Commons Library
Hong Kong is experiencing some of its largest protests in recent years. Here, we look at how MPs and the UK Government have responded.
House of Commons Library
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate on 'Human rights in Hong Kong' has been scheduled for Wednesday 9 June 2021 from 2.30-4:00pm. The debate has been initiated by Tom Randall MP.
House of Lords Library
In Focus
The UK has schemes to allow young people from specific countries to come to the UK to live and work for a limited period of time. In April 2024, the European Commission made a proposal to the European Council to open negotiations with the UK on agreeing a youth mobility scheme between the UK and the EU. The Labour government has stated that it has no plans for a scheme with the EU. Several organisations have expressed support for it, but others have expressed concern that it would be a return to a form of freedom of movement.
House of Commons Library
Research Briefing
The UK Government’s response to the recent protests in Hong Kong has drawn attention to the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. This briefing paper explores what the Declaration is and concerns about its status.
House of Commons Library
Research Briefing
This briefing explains whether British National (Overseas) visa holders are eligible for home fee status and student finance in the UK.
House of Commons Library
Research Briefing
The Government has created a new visa for people from Hong Kong with British National (Overseas) status. The five year visa will enable BN(O)s and their dependent family members to live, work and study in the UK, and give them a route to permanent settlement and British citizenship. It launches on 31 January.
House of Commons Library
Research Briefing
This Commons Library briefing paper examines the factors behind the unrest in Hong Kong in 2019 and the UK/China Joint Declaration.
House of Commons Library
Research Briefing
This briefing surveys developments in Hong Kong since August 2014 and the UK's response. The Hong Kong Government is seeking approval for its proposals to elect the Chief Executive by universal suffrage in 2017. Critics argue that they are a sham.
House of Lords Library
In Focus
The government has described China as an “epoch-defining and systemic challenge” to the UK. Its approach towards China is based on several factors, including shared economic interests, security concerns and human rights considerations. While some commentators have welcomed the government’s approach towards China, others have called on the government to take a tougher approach, such as designating China as a “threat” under national security legislation.
House of Lords Library
Research Briefing
There has been concern over what Beijing’s decision to implement a national security law in Hong Kong could mean for freedoms in the territory.
House of Commons Library
Research Briefing
Countries that are considered to be supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine have increasingly faced US, EU and UK sanctions.
House of Commons Library
Debate Pack
A Westminster Hall debate on the UK Government's policy on China is scheduled for Wednesday 15 May 2024, from 2:30-4:00pm. The debate will be led by Bob Seely MP.
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