European responses to the financial crisis
Summarises responses from individual European governments and from the EU.

Summarises responses from individual European governments and from the EU.
This Research Paper examines how the National Lottery operates in the UK. In particular, the paper explains the process by which Lottery funds are applied for and distributed to good causes, and summarises trends in the allocation of funding by region and constituency. In addition the paper addresses a number of criticisms levelled at the operation of the Lottery including politically-motivated distribution and the withholding of funds by the distributing bodies.
This Research Paper provides a detailed account of the key issues and perspectives raised at these hearings. Like the Treasury Select Committee in the UK, a number of influential US committees concerned with financial issues have convened hearings featuring expert witnesses from the executive branch, the federal regulators and the private sector.
Research Briefing
This Note provides a summary of the reforms recommended in the Turner Review, the European Commission's de Larosiere report, documents produced by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and a range of reports produced by the Financial Stability Forum/Financial Stability Board.
Research Briefing
This standard note provides an overview of executive compensation in seven of the UK's largest banks. It examines the composition of executive remuneration with a focus on the payment of bonuses and the circumstances in which they are paid
Research Briefing
This Standard Note provides an overview of the bank stress tests completed by the US federal authorities in May 2009
Research Briefing
The financial crisis in the US: key events, causes and responses House of Commons Library Research Paper 09/34