Research Briefing
Bailiffs and distress for rent
This note considers the remedy of Distress for Rent and what goods can be seized by the bailiff. It also considers a tenant's possible redress if the remedy has been used inappropriately.
Research Briefing
Tobacco provisions of the Health Bill: Lords amendments
The purpose of this note is to provide an update on the tobacco control provisions and, in particular, the treatment of Commons Amendment 11 in the Lords.
Research Briefing
Health Bill [HL]: Committee Stage Report
This is an account of the House of Commons Committee Stage of the Health Bill [HL] prepared for the Report Stage of the Bill due on 12 October 2009. It supplements Research Papers 09/48 and 09/49, which were prepared for the Second Reading of the Bill in the Commons on 8 June 2009.
Research Briefing
Promotion of tobacco products in Scotland
This briefing considers removing cigarettes and other tobacco products from promotional displays in shops and supermarkets in Scotland.
Research Briefing
Current regulation of tobacco products
Legislation in respect of the display and sale of tobacco products both from retail premises and vending machines.
Research Briefing
Health Bill [HL]: Tobacco control provisions (Bill 97 2008-09)
Part 3 of the Health Bill (HL) 2008-09 contains tobacco control provisions designed to protect children and young people from the harm caused by smoking. This paper provides information on current legislation and policy in respect of the display and sale of tobacco products from retail premises and vending machines as well as outlining the changes proposed in the Bill.
Research Briefing
Banking Bill Committee Stage Report
The Banking Bill represents part of the Government's legislative response to the ongoing banking crisis affecting the UK. It continues powers provided temporarily in the aftermath of the Northern Rock nationalisation; provides a framework for new rescue initiatives of failing bank; alters the existing regulatory structure surrounding banks and makes changes to the compensation scheme which protects depositors' deposits.
Research Briefing
Food Products (Marketing to Children) Bill
Food Products (Marketing to Children) Bill. (Bill 19 of 2007-08). House of Commons Library Research Paper 08/35.
Research Briefing
Civil Aviation Bill (Bill 12 2005-06)
Civil Aviation Bill (Bill 12 2005-06). House of Commons Library research Paper 05/51
Research Briefing
Consumer Credit Bill (Bill 2 of 2005-06)
The Consumer Credit Bill (Bill 2 2005-06). House of Commons Library Research Paper 05/37
Research Briefing
Consumer Credit Bill (Bill 16 of 2004/05)
The Consumer Credit Bill (Bill 16 of 2004/05). House of Commons Library Research Paper 05/03.
Total results (page 12 of 14)