Research Briefing
The Government of Wales Bill 2005 (Bill 100 2005-06)
The Government of Wales Bill (Bill 100 2005-06). House of Commons Library Research Paper 05/90
Research Briefing
The Government of Wales Bill (Bill 100 2005-06). House of Commons Library Research Paper 05/90
Research Briefing
The Sewel Convention applies when the UK Parliament legislates on a matter which is devolved to the Scottish Parliament.
Research Briefing
This note gives information on the agreements and how to find them.
Research Briefing
The International Organisations Bill (HL). (HL Bill 2 of 2004/05; HC Bill 69 of 2004/05). House of Commons Libary Research Paper 05/31.
Research Briefing
The treaty establishing a constitution for Europe: part IV and protocols. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/77.
Research Briefing
Iraq: legal issues at the handover. House of Commons Library Research Paper 04/59.
Research Briefing
This Paper discusses the situation in Burma (Myanmar), where a military regime presides over economic decline, widespread human rights abuses, forced labour and insurgency by ethnic minorities.
Research Briefing
Iraq: law of occupation. House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/51.
Research Briefing
Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections and Periods of Suspension) Bill. (Bill 104 of 2002/03). House of Commons Library Research Paper 03/43.
Research Briefing
The campaign against international terrorism: prospects after the fall of the Taliban. House of Commons Research Paper 01/112.
Research Briefing
International Criminal Court Bill (HL) (Bill 70 of 2000/01). House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/39.
Research Briefing
Kosovo: KFOR and reconstruction. House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/66
Research Briefing
Kosovo: operation 'Allied force'. House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/48.
Research Briefing
Kosovo: NATO and military action. House of Commons Research Paper 99/34.
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