Research Briefing
The campaign against international terrorism: prospects after the fall of the Taliban.
The campaign against international terrorism: prospects after the fall of the Taliban. House of Commons Research Paper 01/112.
Research Briefing
The campaign against international terrorism: prospects after the fall of the Taliban. House of Commons Research Paper 01/112.
Research Briefing
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Parts VI and VII:Pathogens toxins and weapons of mass destruction (Bill 49 of 2001/02). House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/94.
Research Briefing
Operation Enduring Freedom and the conflict in Afghanistan: an update. House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/81.
Research Briefing
Export Control Bill (Bill 5 of 2001/02). House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/64.
Research Briefing
The Middle East Crisis: Camp David, the 'Al-Aqsa Intifada' and the Prospects for the Peace Process. House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/09.
Research Briefing
Developments in the Middle East Peace Process 1991-2000. House of Commons Library Research Paper 01/08.
Research Briefing
Nuclear Safeguards Bill (HL) (Bill 59 of 1999/2000). House of Commons Library Research Paper 00/40.
Research Briefing
Russia: the presidential election and future prospects. House of Commons Library Research Paper 00/33.
Research Briefing
The conflict in Chechnya. House of Commons Library Research Paper 00/14.
Research Briefing
Kosovo: KFOR and reconstruction. House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/66
Research Briefing
Kosovo: operation 'Allied force'. House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/48.
Research Briefing
Kosovo: NATO and military action. House of Commons Research Paper 99/34.
Research Briefing
Iraq: "Desert Fox" and Policy developments. House of Commons Library Research Paper 99/13.
Research Briefing
Kosovo: The diplomatic and military options. House of Commons Library Research Paper 98/93.
Research Briefing
The Landmines Bill. House of Commons Library Research Paper 98/74.
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