An introduction to UK taxes
Basic information about the UK tax system, the role of the Budget and the annual Finance Bill, key statistics on UK taxes, and sources of useful advice
Find out about tax repayment agents, what they do, if you need to use one, what are the risks and what HMRC is doing about them.
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Tax repayment agents (or tax refund companies) specialise in getting customers tax repayments (also called ‘refunds’ or ‘rebates’) from HMRC.
There has been an increasing concern surrounding the activity and practices of some repayment agents. Repayment agents are an unregulated profession, and they do not have to be members of any specific professional body. There is no system run by HMRC to approve or certify repayment agents.
Tax repayment agents claim tax reliefs on behalf of customers for most types of personal taxes.
Repayment agents can only claim reliefs on behalf of an individual taxpayer once a formal agreement has been established. Agents will usually request the authority to receive money from successful claims on behalf of the taxpayer. After the agent collects their fee, they will transfer the remainder to the taxpayer. Agreements of this kind are either nominations or assignments.
Taxpayers can ‘nominate’ a repayment agent to receive rebates on their behalf. HMRC lists common characteristics for nominations:
Taxpayers can also authorise agents to receive rebates on their behalf via a ‘deed of assignment’, or ‘assignment’. As explained by HMRC, assignments:
HMRC said there has been a growth in tax repayment agents advertising their services online and on social media. Often, these advertisements inform taxpayers that they may be eligible for tax rebates.
Potentially. However, many repayment agents operate transparently and in good faith.
HMRC notes there has been an increase of repayment agents operating in misleading and sometimes fraudulent ways. Analysis undertaken by HMRC, the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG), and Money Saving Expert has shown a growing number of people expressing dissatisfaction with the service provided by repayment agents. Often, the agents’ lack of transparency meant taxpayers only received a fraction of what they were owed by HMRC.
Common issues included:
HMRC and the Government have taken action to protect taxpayers:
The LITRG has compiled useful guidance for taxpayers who may want to engage a repayment agent. The guidance lists common concerns arisen about repayment agents in the past, which can help people notice whether similar patterns are being followed. The LITRG also signposts to different sources of support for people who feel they have been subject to unfair practice.
HMRC has launched the ‘don’t get caught out’ campaign providing guidance to taxpayers to ensure they don’t fall victim to misleading tax repayment advertisements.
Although assignments for income tax repayments are no longer allowed, taxpayers should exercise caution: if agent practices are not transparent, they may not be aware that they are agreeing to a nomination, meaning their repayment is going to be transferred to the agent instead of them.
Yes. Taxpayers can claim any repayment on their tax, for free, from the HMRC website, which has a dedicated webpage showing taxpayers how to claim tax refunds.
Taxpayers have four years from the tax year concerned to claim a refund.
About the author: Francesco Masala is a researcher in the Business and Transport Section of the House of Commons Library. He specialises in taxation policy.
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Basic information about the UK tax system, the role of the Budget and the annual Finance Bill, key statistics on UK taxes, and sources of useful advice
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