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National and regional maps
Use the buttons below to choose a type of map and a measure of broadband coverage. On some of the “Detailed region maps” page you can also select a region via dropdown menu.”
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Data updates
We aim to update this dashboard three times a year, in line with data releases from Ofcom, but the data shown here may not be the latest available. MPs and their staff can contact the Commons Library with queries about updates.
Definitions of measures
Superfast Availability: the percentage of lines that were capable of receiving download speeds of at least 30 Mbps in September 2023. Superfast availability measures the speeds available to consumers in an area. It doesn’t show the proportion of lines that are actually receiving superfast speeds, because consumers often need to subscribe to specific packages in order to receive superfast speeds.
Gigabit Availability: the percentage of premises that were capable of receiving speeds of 1 gigabit per second (1 Gbps) in September 2023.
Average download speed: speeds actually being received in May 2023 based on the mean average. This may reflect consumer choice as well as line quality, since users sometimes have access to packages offering higher speeds than those they are actually receiving. This is a mean average, meaning that lines with high speeds (e.g. gigabit speeds) will have a disproportionate impact on the average. Ofcom’s source data contains median download speeds for constituencies.
Unable to receive decent broadband: premises below the Universal Service Obligation in September 2023 – those unable to receive 10 Mbps download speed or 1 Mbps upload speed, which Ofcom regards as necessary components of ‘decent broadband’. This measure counts only premises that cannot receive the above speeds from fixed broadband, fixed wireless technologies, and mobile broadband.
Lines receiving over 30 Mbps: the percentage of lines actually receiving superfast speeds in May 2023. Note that this does not show what lines are capable of receiving. Some lines not receiving 30 Mbps have the option of faster speeds available to them. A lower-than-average figure on this measure may indicate that consumers have chosen not to (or are unable to) adopt superfast packages, rather than worse connectivity in the area.
Lines receiving under 10 Mbps: the percentage of lines receiving these speeds in May 2023. These lines may have access to higher speeds (as explained in the previous bullet point). However, a high percentage of lines receiving under 10 Mbps suggest that the speeds available to basic broadband subscribers are low and below Ofcom’s threshold for ‘decent broadband’.