This page provides constituency-level data on house prices in England and Wales. It also shows the latest data for neighbourhoods within each constituency.
The house price figures used are the median price paid for properties over the twelve months to the date shown. The figures aren’t adjusted for the mix of different property sizes and types sold in different periods and places.
Constituency data
Use the dropdown menu below to select the constituency you’re interested in and see key statistics.
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The median is the point at which half of house prices in the data are higher and half are lower.
The median house price is for the rolling year to the end of the month specified.
The neighbourhoods used in this dashboard are 2021 Census MSOAs, a type of small statistical area. You can read more about MSOAs and the names we used on our MSOA names page.
Data updates
We aim to update this dashboard in line with data releases from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which are currently published twice a year.
MPs and their staff can contact the Commons Library with queries about updates.
ONS, Housing affordability in England and Wales: 2023
- Constituencies: Parliamentary constituency house price statistics for small areas (Table 2a)
- England, Wales and regions: Median house prices for administrative geographies (Table 1a)
- Neighbourhoods: Median house prices by Middle Layer Super Output Area (Table 1a)