This page provides constituency-level data on deprivation in England. It also shows the latest data for small areas within each constituency.

Constituency deprivation ranks have been calculated by the Library using deprivation ranks for small areas published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Rank 1 = most deprived.

A deprivation rank only shows how deprived an area is relative to other areas in England and does not measure the depth of deprivation.

The Library briefing paper Deprivation in English Constituencies provides more information and statistics.

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The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government produces indices of multiple deprivation for Lower layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs), providing scores and ranks for overall deprivation, as well as domains of deprivation and supplementary indices for income deprivation affecting children and older people.

The Library uses this data, weighted by population, to find average constituency scores and ranks, and provide the number and proportion of highly deprived LSOAs in each constituency.

2019 data is largely based on data for 2015/16.

Less deprived areas are not necessarily more affluent. Areas which contain very few people on low incomes may not contain many people on high incomes. Highly deprived areas may also contain pockets of affluence.

About the author: Brigid Francis-Devine is a researcher at the House of Commons specialising in economic policy and statistics.