Constituency data: Ethnic groups
Find out how many people identify with different ethnic groups in your constituency, based on census data.
Find constituency data and analysis of 2021 census results. We update this page with new topics as data becomes available.
2021 census data is being published for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland across 2022 and 2023.
The census asked people about topics including their background (such as ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation), housing, health, and work.
This page brings together our constituency data dashboards and other analysis of 2021 census results. We’ll release publications on new topics here as data becomes available.
Constituency data hasn’t been published yet for Northern Ireland. Scotland’s census was postponed to 2022 because of Covid-19. We will update our data publications when results become available.
Explore data from the 2021 census for your local area.
Find out how many people identify with different ethnic groups in your constituency, based on census data.
Find out how many people identify with different faiths in your constituency, based on the latest census data
Find 2021 census data on which country people were born in by constituency
Find out how many people identify with different sexual orientations and gender identities in your constituency.
Find out how many UK armed forces veterans live in constituencies in Great Britain, based on census data.
Find out how many people have a disability in your constituency, according to census data.
Find 2021 census data on how people in England and Wales reported on their general health by constituency.
Explore data from the 2021 census for your local area.
Find out how many households are homeowners, private renters, and social renters in your constituency, based on census data
Find census data on households and their composition by constituency
Find out the types of central heating used by households in your constituency, based on census data
Find census data on the highest qualifications of adults by constituency
Find out how many people were employed, unemployed and economically inactive in your constituency at the time of the 2021 census.
Find out about the socio-economic classification of people in your constituency, based on their employment
Read briefings and analysis of data from the 2021 census.
The 2021 census in England and Wales asked about sexual orientation and gender identity for the first time. What do the first results tell us?
Almost 1 in 25 of the population of England and Wales aged 16 or over is a veteran.
The first 2021 census data has been published for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. What does it tell us, and when will we get more detailed data?
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) publishes 2021 census results for England and Wales:
The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) publishes 2021 census results for Northern Ireland.
The website for Scotland’s census has updates on future publications.