Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill 2024-25
MPs will debate the Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill at second reading on Monday 10 February 2025.

This Insight looks at how different ethnic groups compared statistically in areas such as convictions, sentencing lengths, types of offence, pleas and at the bench in 2019 across England and Wales.
People from a Black, Asian, ‘Mixed’ or ‘Chinese and other’ background were over-represented as defendants in the criminal justice system in 2019, according to Ministry of Justice (MoJ) data.
This was largely because people from these ethnic groups made up a disproportionate share of people arrested, and this carried through to the prosecution, conviction, and imprisonment stages. The MoJ categorises these ethnic groups as ‘BAME’.
Evidence also suggests that offenders from BAME backgrounds receive longer custodial sentences, which could be partly due to the higher rate of ‘not guilty’ pleading among defendants from these ethnic groups. This Insight looks at how different ethnic groups compared statistically in areas such as convictions, sentencing lengths, types of offence, pleas and at the bench in 2019 across England and Wales.
Our briefing on Race and Ethnic Disparities contains further analysis for individual ethnic groups.
The most comprehensive, recent exploration of ethnic group disproportionality in the justice system was the 2017 Lammy Review. This examined each stage of the criminal justice system including arrest, conviction, imprisonment and reoffending. The data used in the Lammy Review (from 2014 and 2015) is now somewhat out-of-date, so we have replicated this approach with the latest available data. We have used the term BAME here for consistency with the Lammy Review.
The simplest way to think about disproportionality is to compare the share of the general population that identifies as belonging to BAME groups with the share at specific stages within the justice system.
In 2019, according to the Annual Population Survey around 16% of the general population in England and Wales were from a BAME background. However, as shown in the chart below, people from BAME backgrounds made up 23% of people arrested, 21% of people convicted of a crime and 27% of people in prison.
We can also go beyond simple comparisons and try to pin-point the specific junctures of the justice system where inequality arises. One example is to look at the ‘conviction ratio’ for defendants from different ethnic groups.
Overall, in 2019 defendants from the White ethnic group were more likely to be convicted (85% of which were found guilty) than those from BAME groups (79%). Here the White category includes: ‘British’, ‘Irish’ and ‘Any other White background’.
The higher conviction ratio might be partly explained by the higher rate of ‘guilty’ pleading among White defendants. If we look at defendants in Crown Court trials in 2019, 37% defendants from BAME groups pleaded ‘not guilty’ compared with 27% of White defendants. The Lammy Review explained that willingness to plead guilty is linked to trust in the fairness of the legal system.
A guilty plea carries a discount of up to one-third of sentence length at the sentencing stage, so the higher rate of ‘guilty’ pleading among White defendants could explain why we see longer average custodial sentence lengths (ACSL) being handed down to BAME offenders. The average in 2019 was 27.1 months for offenders from BAME backgrounds, compared with 19.5 months for White offenders.
The latest figures from the Ministry of Justice at the show that in 2019:
The Lammy Review (2017) and the accompanying Ministry of Justice analysis (PDF, 3,086kB) contains more detailed analysis of this topic using data from 2014 and 2015.
See the Library’s briefing on Race and Ethnic Disparities for further analysis of the most recent data.
The UK Government produces the following regular summaries: Race and the Criminal Justice System (last updated November 2019), Ethnicity Facts and Figures (last updated May 2019), and Tackling racial disparity in the criminal justice system (last updated February 2020).
The Runnymede Trust has published several reports on ethnicity and criminal justice, including ‘Criminal Justice v. Racial Justice: Minority ethnic overrepresentation in the criminal justice system’. See also the Prison Reform Trust’s research report, ‘Counted Out: Black, Asian and minority ethnic women in the criminal justice system’ (PDF 808kB) (2017).
About the authors: Georgina Sturge is a statistician at the House of Commons Library, specialising in justice and migration statistics. Baber Yasin was an intern is the Social and General Statistics section at the House of Commons Library in Summer 2020.
Image by Sang Hyun Cho from Pixabay
MPs will debate the Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill at second reading on Monday 10 February 2025.
Information on knife crime in England and Wales: possession offences, rules for retailers and efforts to prevent serious violence.
The government’s proposed new offence would be part of the Crime and Policing Bill announced in the King’s Speech, but it hasn’t yet been introduced to Parliament.