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Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) is a non-means-tested, tax-free, non-contributory benefit payable to people who have become disabled as a result of an accident at work, or because of one of over 70 prescribed diseases known to be a risk from certain jobs. IIDB is payable on a “no-fault” basis – the claimant does not have to prove any negligence on the part of the employer to be eligible for benefit.

The scheme only covers employees or those who were on an approved employment training scheme or course when the accident or event happened. The self-employed are excluded.

IIDB is administered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in Great Britain, and by the Department for Communities in Northern Ireland. In Scotland, Employment Injury Assistance will replace IIDB, but there is not as yet a clear timetable for when this will happen.

 Who can claim IIDB? 

A person may qualify for IIDB if they satisfy all of the following conditions:

  • they were an employed earner
  • they suffered a personal injury in an industrial accident, or are suffering from a prescribed industrial disease
  • as a result of the accident or disease they suffered a “loss of faculty”
  • as a result of that loss of faculty, they are disabled

What is a “prescribed industrial disease”? 

Regulations set out a list of over 70 industrial diseases  and, for each, the occupations or types of work known to have a link to that disease.  To qualify for IIDB for a prescribed disease, a person must have worked in an occupation listed for that disease, and the disease must have been caused by that occupation.

The Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC) reviews the list of prescribed diseases and occupations and makes recommendations to the Secretary of State on what diseases the scheme should cover.

How much do claimants get? 

The amount depends on the degree of disablement – up to £221.50 a week in 2024/25, for those assessed as 100% disabled. Benefit is not normally payable if disablement is assessed at less than 14%.

Additional amounts may also be payable depending on the person’s degree of disablement and needs:

Two other benefits may still be payable in addition to or instead of IIDB to people who had an accident or started to have a disease before 1 October 1990 – Reduced Earnings Allowance or Retirement Allowance.

Claiming IIDB 

There is no time limit for making a claim for IIDB (except for claims for industrial deafness).  However, claims can only be backdated for up to three months before the date of claim.

People thinking about making a claim for IIDB may want to seek specialist welfare rights advice. The AdviceLocal postcode finder can be used to locate local welfare rights advice providers.

Challenging decisions 

Industrial injuries benefits decisions can be challenged in the same way as decisions on claims for other social security benefits – i.e. by requesting a Mandatory Reconsideration (MR) of the decision and, if DWP upholds its original decision, by then appealing to an independent First-Tier Tribunal. 

For further information see the Library constituency casework article on Challenging benefits decisions.  

Related payments 

Alongside the Industrial Injuries scheme, there are other DWP-run schemes which make payments to people suffering from certain diseases as a result of exposure to dust. For details see section 4 of the Commons Library briefing Asbestos in the workplace.

For how people can find out what social security benefits more generally they might be entitled to see the Commons Library constituency casework page What benefits might people claim?

Further information 


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