Countering Russian influence in the UK
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK has applied sanctions and changed rules around visas and corporate transparency to counter Russian influence.

67.9% of voters opposed changing the electoral system to the Alternative Vote, in a UK wide referendum on 5 May 2011. Turnout was 42.0%. This Research Paper presents information on votes cast in each region and referendum counting area.
Alternative Vote Referendum 2011 (1 MB , PDF)
67.9% of voters opposed changing the electoral system to the Alternative Vote, in a UK wide referendum on 5 May 2011. The No vote was in the majority in every region of the UK.
Turnout was 42.0%. The referendum coincided with elections to the Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales, Northern Ireland Assembly and many local authorities in England.
This Research Paper presents information on votes cast in each region and referendum counting area. The data for votes cast and electorates are those that have been published online by the Electoral Commission.
Alternative Vote Referendum 2011 (1 MB , PDF)
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK has applied sanctions and changed rules around visas and corporate transparency to counter Russian influence.
The government has committed to reduce the voting age to 16 for all elections. This briefing details the voting age for UK elections and the debate about lowering the voting age.
A briefing paper which "maps" (or summarises) the main elements of the United Kingdom's uncodified constitution.