Constituency data: Dentists and dental practices
Interactive dashboard showing data on dentists in England, including access to dentistry, the number of dentists and a list of NHS dental practices
This briefing provides an overview of funding and accountability arrangements within the NHS in England. It also highlights issues including patient safety, NHS funding and performance.
The structure of the NHS in England (986 KB , PDF)
This briefing explains how the NHS in England works and introduces key NHS organisations and functions, including:
The Health and Social Care Act 2022 made extensive changes to the structure of the NHS in England. In particular, the Act established 42 integrated care systems (ICSs) across England. These took on statutory responsibility for most local NHS services on 1 July 2022. ICSs are also responsible for improving the health of the local population, and for integrating health and social care services.
Within ICSs there are a range of local arrangements to plan and deliver joined-up services. These include ‘place-based partnerships’, and primary care networks, which are groups of GP practices. These partnerships and networks also involve community, mental health, social care, and hospital services working together.
In its 75th year the NHS continues to face rising costs of new drugs and treatments, and increased demand from an ageing and growing population. Declining performance in several areas such as the proportion of patinets waiting over 18-weeks for hospital treatment have been made far worse by the coronavirus pandemic. Although some recent improvements have been observed, a return to pre-pandemic performance is not yet evident.
The briefing highlights these and other key issues facing the service, and government and NHS plans to address performance and waiting time pressures. It also provides information on proposals for further change, including plans for a new major conditions strategy, to reform the regulation of healthcare professionals, and to replace NHS procurement rules.
As well as setting out how the NHS is accountable to ministers, Parliament and the public, the briefing notes the role of local authorities, the CQC, health and wellbeing boards and others in providing accountability across the health and care system.
Health policy is a largely devolved matter and the briefing is primarily concerned with the structure of the NHS in England. A short overview of the health systems in the other parts of the UK (with links to further information) is included in section 12.
Detailed analysis of NHS demand and performance indicators for England can be found in the Commons Library’s quarterly publication, NHS Key Statistics: England.
A separate Library briefing provides information on the NHS workforce in England, including NHS England’s Long Term Workforce Plan, published on 30 June 2023.
More detailed information on the provisions of the Health and Care Act 2022 can be found in the Library briefing: Health and Care Act 2022: Final stages in Parliament.
While this briefing refers to policies to promote joint working between health and social care in England, the following Library briefings provide further background on adult social care policy and proposals for reform:
The structure of the NHS in England (986 KB , PDF)
Interactive dashboard showing data on dentists in England, including access to dentistry, the number of dentists and a list of NHS dental practices
Informal and unpaid carers provide vital support for many people with health and social care needs. However, there is growing evidence that the demands of caring are increasingly impacting carers’ own physical and mental health.
Suicide rates in the England have reached their highest level since 1999. The government introduced a new suicide prevention strategy for England in September 2023.