UK-US bilateral relationship
A Westminster Hall debate on the UK-US bilateral relationship is scheduled for Tuesday 4 February 2025, from 2.30pm to 4.00pm. The debate will be led by John Cooper MP.

China is one of the UK's largest trading partners. This note gives some key statistics on UK-China trade.
Statistics on UK trade with China (994 KB , PDF)
This short note provides some key statistics on the UK’s trade with China.
In 2019:
Statistics on UK trade with China (994 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate on the UK-US bilateral relationship is scheduled for Tuesday 4 February 2025, from 2.30pm to 4.00pm. The debate will be led by John Cooper MP.
In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the G7, EU and other allies and partners across the globe have imposed an unprecedented package of coordinated sanctions against Russia.
Countries that are considered to be supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine have increasingly faced US, EU and UK sanctions.