Non-Domestic Rating (Multipliers and Private Schools) Bill 2024-25
A briefing on the Non-Domestic Rating (Multipliers and Private Schools) Bill 2024-25
What data is published at a school level in the UK and where can I find it?
Sources of Statistics: School Level Data (92 KB , PDF)
The range of school level statistics that are regularly published has increased over time. These data have been produced as stand-alone ‘products’, such as the school performance tables, for many years. But further school level data is increasingly being made available alongside existing statistical publications which only include national/regional/local authority data. This can make it difficult to find the full range of data that is produced at school level as it is not always clear which publications have this information. The aim of this guide is to show the full range of publicly available school level data and provide links to it. As education is a devolved matter the material in this guide is arranged by home country with the bulk of school level data produced by the Department for Education for England.
Sources of Statistics: School Level Data (92 KB , PDF)
A briefing on the Non-Domestic Rating (Multipliers and Private Schools) Bill 2024-25
Concerns are regularly raised about the cost of school uniform - this briefing introduces the rules and recent reforms in England, and sets out the support available for school uniform costs across the UK.
Headline student numbers increased to multiple new records following a short dip after the 2012 reforms. Progress has stalled in recent years and there are however ongoing concerns about numbers of part-time undergraduates and some disadvantaged groups.