Tackling violence against women and girls
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on tackling violence against women and girls on 27 November 2024. The debate will be opened by Apsana Begum MP.
This tool allows users to view crime statistics for individual Police Force Areas in England and Wales.
Police Force Area crime statistics (England and Wales) (188 KB , Excel Spreadsheet)
Click the link at the bottom of this page to download the Excel file and then select the Police Forece Area of interest. The document will display crime statistics for the Police Force Area of interest, and will show how these compare to regional and national averages.
Police Force Area crime statistics (England and Wales) (188 KB , Excel Spreadsheet)
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on tackling violence against women and girls on 27 November 2024. The debate will be opened by Apsana Begum MP.
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on online safety for children and young people on 26 November 2024. The debate will be opened by Lola McEvoy MP.
IPP sentences were abolished in 2012 but continue to cause controversy. Changes to licence termination arrangements are being phased in from 1 November 2024.