Technical education in England: T Levels
This briefing provides an overview of reforms to the technical education system in England through the introduction of new T Level qualifications.
This briefing provides information on English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) for learners aged 19 and over in England, including current current provision and funding, past funding changes, and recent reports. It also provides information on the Government's community-based English language programmes.
Adult ESOL in England (498 KB , PDF)
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is the term used for English language courses taken by people whose first language is not English and who need English to communicate in daily life.
This briefing covers ESOL for learners aged 19 and over (referred to as adult ESOL) and relates to England only; different ESOL systems are in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
A new suite of ESOL Skills for Life qualifications were accredited by Ofqual in 2014 and have been available to learners since 2014-15. The qualifications comprise three modes: reading, writing, and speaking and listening. It is possible for learners to take awards in a single mode, as well as a ‘full-mode’ certificate that combines all three. Courses may be taken at five levels: Entry Levels 1, 2 and 3 are basic level courses and Level 1 and 2 courses are equivalent to GCSEs.
Government-funded adult ESOL is funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) through the Adult Education Budget (AEB) in the same way as other further education courses. Previously, the ESFA also funded ESOL learning through its community learning budget but from 2016-17 funding for community learning has been included within the wider Adult Education Budget and is no longer ring-fenced.
The ESFA will fully fund ESOL learning delivered in the classroom up to and including Level 2 for eligible learners aged 19 and over who are unemployed and in receipt of certain benefits. All other eligible classroom-based adult ESOL learning is co-funded by the ESFA, meaning that the ESFA pays half of the course costs and the provider may pass on the remainder to the learner. There is no funding provided for ESOL provided in the workplace.
As funding for adult ESOL courses is demand-led, there are no future budgets set for their level of funding. Data on past funding levels (not including community learning) has been provided in response to parliamentary questions and shows that, funding from the AEB fell by 56% in real terms between 2009-10 and 2016-17.
The number of people starting funded ESOL courses has followed a very similar trend to funding since the start of this decade. Participation fell from 179,000 in 2009-10 to 114,000 in 2016-17.
In a survey of ESOL providers carried out by the National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults (NATECLA) in 2014, 80% of responders said their institution had “…significant waiting lists of up to 1,000 students…”; 66% said that lack of funding was the main cause of this.
In addition to ESOL provision funded through the ESFA, between 2012-13 and 2016-17 was allocated by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government to six projects delivering community-based English language provision. This included £3.74 million in 2016-17, which was said at the time to be the “first step” in rolling out a £20 million community fund to teach English to isolated women which was announced by the then Prime Minister, David Cameron, in January 2016.
Up until August 2007, ESOL courses were eligible for automatic fee remission and, during this time, demand for and expenditure on ESOL increased substantially. Since this time, a number of changes have been made to ESOL funding, including:
In March 2018, the Government published an Integrated Communities Strategy green paper for consultation. The strategy highlighted the importance of English language proficiency for effective integration, before setting out concerns with the current system of English language learning. It then set out a set of proposals, which included:
The consultation closes on 5 June 2018.
The final section of the briefing provides brief information on a number of reports relating to ESOL, including the report of Louise Casey’s review of opportunity and integration, which was published in December 2016.
Adult ESOL in England (498 KB , PDF)
This briefing provides an overview of reforms to the technical education system in England through the introduction of new T Level qualifications.
This briefing provides background to the government's review of level 3 qualifications reform. It explains the review's outcomes and includes reaction.
An overview of the current system of support for children and young people with special educational needs, and pressure on the system