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This paper has been written specifically for Members of Parliament and their staff, though others may find it of general interest.

It is a compilation of regularly asked questions about transport-related issues. There is no intended link between articles other than that the topics are often asked by constituents of Members.

Please note that nothing in this paper should be considered as constituting legal advice. It is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual. A suitably qualified professional should be consulted if specific advice or information is required.

It covers commonly asked questions such as:

  • Why is the bus pass for older people available for those aged 60 in Scotland and Wales but not in England?
  • Is it legal to park across a driveway?
  • Who sets speed limits and how can one be changed?
  • Will diesel drivers face higher costs in the future?
  • Can the local train station get funding for improvements?
  • Why do rail fares keep going up? and
  • How does one get compensation for a delayed or cancelled flight?

The House of Commons Library publishes a wide range of briefing papers covering all aspects of transport policy. They can be found on the Transport briefings page of the Parliament website.

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