SME participation in defence procurement
A Westminster Hall debate on SME participation in defence procurement is scheduled for Tuesday 28 January 2025, from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. The debate will be led by Alan Strickland MP.
Download this spreadsheet to see a list of businesses in your constituency that trade with non-EU countries, and the products they trade in.
Businesses that trade with non-EU countries, by constituency (5 MB , )
HMRC publishes data on businesses that import from and export to non-EU countries (equivalent data on trade with EU countries does not exist). The information published is business name, address and the type of goods being traded.
The spreadsheet below lists these businesses (as of January 2018) by constituency, along with a description of the type of goods that are traded. Goods are classified according to the EU’s Combined Nomenclature (CN). This classification determines the rate of customs duty to be levied on the goods when they enter the EU, and is also used for trade statistics.
However, it should be noted that the data:
The spreadsheet only displays up to three different categories of goods imported or exported per business. Some businesses import and/or export across more than three categories of goods. The complete, detailed breakdown of the type of goods traded can be found by searching for the business in question in HMRC’s Exporter details page and Importer details page.
Businesses that trade with non-EU countries, by constituency (5 MB , )
A Westminster Hall debate on SME participation in defence procurement is scheduled for Tuesday 28 January 2025, from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. The debate will be led by Alan Strickland MP.
In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the G7, EU and other allies and partners across the globe have imposed an unprecedented package of coordinated sanctions against Russia.
Countries that are considered to be supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine have increasingly faced US, EU and UK sanctions.