Assimilated law reform: Moving towards alignment?
The government says it revoked or reformed 40 pieces of assimilated law (derived from EU law) between June and December 2024.

This briefing paper summarises a selection of Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) judgments from 2018.
2018 CJEU Judgments in Summary (2 MB , PDF)
The cases included were chosen because they clarify or advance an aspect of primary of EU law of general interest, or because they address a point of EU law that is relevant to the Brexit/Future Relationship negotiations.
Omitted from the briefing are intra-institutional proceedings, Commission enforcement proceedings, and any other proceedings regarding very detailed and sector-specific EU secondary legislation.
The briefing is organised first by subject area of EU law, and secondly by date of the relevant judgments. The summaries are in plain language where possible.
Note: because of the volume of case law the CJEU sees, this briefing will be regularly updated when chosen judgments in a given subject area have all been summarised. At this time, the following EU law subject areas have been covered:
2018 CJEU Judgments in Summary (2 MB , PDF)
The government says it revoked or reformed 40 pieces of assimilated law (derived from EU law) between June and December 2024.
An updated briefing paper on oaths of allegiance taken by senior office holders in the UK. This includes the Parliamentary Oath taken by MPs and peers and the judicial oath taken by judges.
On 28 to 30 January 2025, the EU and the UK will take part in an arbitration hearing in The Hague in a dispute over the UK ban on sandeel fishing in its waters.