Suicide prevention policy
Suicide rates in the England have reached their highest level since 1999. The government introduced a new suicide prevention strategy for England in September 2023.
This Commons Library briefing provides an overview of some of the guidance that the UK Government has published on reciprocal healthcare after Brexit.
EU reciprocal healthcare arrangements: Brexit guidance (123 KB , PDF)
There remains some uncertainty about the status of current EU reciprocal healthcare arrangements in the event the UK leaves the EU without a negotiated deal. The NHS website provides information on travelling to the EU after Brexit and includes links to information on individual countries. The UK Government has also published some recent advice on accessing healthcare after Brexit for UK nationals living in the EU/EEA and Switzerland (updated 23 September 2019), and for citizens of the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland living in the UK (updated 3 October 2019).
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) made a Written Ministerial Statement on 26 September 2019, about its plans for reciprocal healthcare, particularly in the event of no-deal. This restated that the UK Government has proposed to all EU Member States that existing reciprocal healthcare arrangements should continue until 31 December 2020 in a no-deal scenario. These existing arrangements currently provide access to healthcare for UK-insured individuals living in EU/EEA countries, and UK nationals who require medical treatment while holidaying in Europe. They also ensure that EU/EEA citizens can receive healthcare in the UK, whether they are here on holiday, or to live and work.
While EU reciprocal healthcare is funded and administered on a UK-wide basis, the Devolved Administrations have responsibility for healthcare provision in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK Government has said it is working closely with all parts of the UK on its approach to reciprocal healthcare arrangements after Brexit.
This Commons Library briefing provides background information and links to further reading and guidance on:
EU reciprocal healthcare arrangements: Brexit guidance (123 KB , PDF)
Suicide rates in the England have reached their highest level since 1999. The government introduced a new suicide prevention strategy for England in September 2023.
Ofcom enforces measures in the Online Safety Act to protect web users from suicide or self-harm content. It also regulates broadcast media, but not the press.
There will be a debate on preventable baby deaths at 9:30am on Wednesday 4 September 2024. This debate will take place in Westminster Hall and will be led by Lee Anderson MP.