Leadership elections: Conservative Party
This House of Commons Library briefing paper sets out the current rules for election of a Conservative Party leader, and the background to their introduction.
This Briefing Paper illustrates changes that have been made to procedures and practices in response to coronavirus in the House of Commons and a small selection of other parliaments.
Coronavirus: Changes to practice and procedure in the UK and other parliaments (855 KB , PDF)
Parliaments around the world are changing their practices and procedures in response to coronavirus. This Briefing Paper illustrates changes that have been made in the House of Commons and a small selection of other parliaments.
It records, for example, distancing in the French National Assembly and the Australian House of Representatives; the introduction of virtual proceedings in some Chambers; changes to the conduct of divisions in Denmark; and new ways of working for committees in a number of parliaments.
The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is reporting on the impact of social distancing measures on parliaments and on how parliaments are debating, passing legislation and scrutinising governments whilst coronavirus affects the world, see “Parliaments in a time of pandemic”.
Coronavirus: Changes to practice and procedure in the UK and other parliaments (855 KB , PDF)
This House of Commons Library briefing paper sets out the current rules for election of a Conservative Party leader, and the background to their introduction.
This briefing paper discusses the procedure for recalling Parliament, as well as providing details of recent occasions when Parliament has been recalled.
Maiden speeches made by newly elected MPs since 1918, with links to Hansard where available.