Misuse of drugs: regulation and enforcement
Current UK legislation to control drugs, the enforcement of drug laws and calls for reform to the classification of drugs in the UK.
This reading list brings together statistical sources of information on inequalities between ethnic groups.
Sources of statistics on inequalities between ethnic groups (104 KB , PDF)
This paper provides a list of links to statistical and other related resources on differences by ethnic group in a range of topics including health, justice, employment and income. Material is listed by type of resource (e.g. House of Commons Library publications, Government publications, independent reviews).
This paper will be updated periodically.
Sources of statistics on inequalities between ethnic groups (104 KB , PDF)
Current UK legislation to control drugs, the enforcement of drug laws and calls for reform to the classification of drugs in the UK.
A Westminster Hall debate on rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases is scheduled for Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 9.30am. The debate will be led by Jim Shannon MP.
A debate on child bereavement will take place in Westminster Hall on 2 December 2024. The subject for this debate was determined by the Petitions Committee and the debate will be led by Kevin Bonavia MP.