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This briefing provides an introduction to Qatari politics, human rights, trade, and international relations. It also signposts further reading.
Qatar: Country profile (421 KB , PDF)
The UK has strong diplomatic, military, and economic ties with Qatar, and is currently negotiating a trade agreement with the Gulf Cooperation Council, whose six members include the country. In 2022, Qatar also hosted the Men’s Football World Cup. This placed its human rights record under scrutiny.
This briefing provides an introduction to Qatari politics, human rights, trade, and international relations. It also signposts further reading.
Please visit the Library’s Middle East pages for detailed analysis on the region’s politics.
This 17-page briefing provides an introduction to Qatar’s:
The paper signposts further reading on each of these topics on pages 14 to 17. This includes links to recent UK Parliament proceedings on Qatar and relevant Library briefing papers.
Please visit the Library’s Middle East pages for further analysis on the region.
Qatar: Country profile (421 KB , PDF)
Sterling often changes in value relative to other currencies. Find the latest data on exchange rates overall and against the dollar and euro.
A Westminster Hall debate on 'UK government advice on the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning when travelling' is scheduled for Thursday 11 February 2025, from 2:30pm to 4:00pm. The debate will be led by Dr Al Pinkerton MP.
Inflation measures the change in prices over time. Find the latest data on inflation in the UK, the Eurozone, and selected EU countries.