Future of coastguard search and rescue helicopter services
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on the future of coastguard search and rescue helicopter services on 14 January 2025. The debate will be opened by Alistair Carmichael MP.
This briefing explains where the government is up to with plans to introduce Sharia-compliant student finance in England.
The UK Government first proposed a student finance product consistent with Muslim beliefs about interest-bearing loans in 2013. The Higher Education Research Act 2017 allows the government to introduce such a product, but it has yet to do so. The issue has been raised in Parliament a number of times, with the delay described as “shameful” by Lord Sharkey.
The government has said sharia-compliant alternative student finance will become available in England “as soon as possible” after the introduction of the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE), which will replace the current student loans system. The LLE had been due to launch in 2025 but delays mean it will now be available for courses and modules from January 2027.
When student loans were first introduced in England, any interest added reflected the rate of inflation only, as measured by the Retail Prices Index (RPI). This was to ensure the value of the loan was maintained in real terms.
In 2012, the then-Conservative government changed the way interest was added to student loans to include a ‘real’ above inflation rate of interest. Student loans taken out after 2012 (plan 2 loans) generally carry an interest rate of RPI plus up to 3%. For students with postgraduate loans, the interest rate charged is generally RPI plus 3%.
For new borrowers taking out student loans from 2023, the maximum interest rate will once again be set at RPI inflation.
Central to Islamic finance is the belief money has no intrinsic value, but instead is simply a medium of exchange. Benefiting from lending money by charging interest or repaying more than the initial amount borrowed (‘Riba’) is consequently forbidden.
The investments made by loan companies, which might be in industries such as gambling or alcohol, are also considered problematic.
For these reasons, Muslim students may be deterred from taking out student loans from the Student Loans Company to cover the tuition fees and living costs associated with higher education. Research has shown this can act as a barrier to higher education for Muslims or cause financial hardship for those who do choose to study at university. Findings from the Muslim Census study suggest over 12,000 students per year are affected in this way.
In April 2014, the then-Conservative government launched a consultation on introducing a Sharia-compliant alternative finance product for students. Several criteria were established (p10):
The government’s response to the consultation (PDF) revealed 94% of the nearly 20,000 respondents agreed there would be demand for a Sharia-compliant alternative student finance product (p9).
The government concluded a ‘Takaful’ system would be most suitable (PDF, p6). This is a structure used in Islamic finance and based on mutual lending and borrowing within a group.
A Takaful fund would be established and managed by the Student Loans Company away from other student loans to ensure full Sharia-compliance. Students would receive payments from the fund to attend higher education. Following their graduation, they would repay a contribution to the Takaful fund, through the tax system, to ensure future students could also benefit.
This contribution would be considered charitable from a Sharia perspective, and the mutual basis of this structure would make it acceptable under Islamic principles.
In November 2015, the government published a green paper setting out proposals to reform England’s higher education system (PDF). These included introducing a new Sharia-compliant alternative student finance product based on the Takaful system (pp40-41).
In May 2016, these proposals were included in a white paper, which said the alternative student finance product “will be open to everyone and will not result in any advantage or disadvantage relative to a student loan, but will avoid the payment of interest” (pp59-60).
In 2017, the alternative student finance proposals were enacted in sections 86 and 87 of the Higher Education and Research Act 2017. These allow the government to introduce an additional model of student finance called “alternative payments”, which would not carry any interest.
The Impact Assessment (PDF) published alongside the initial bill highlighted the benefits of introducing an alternative student finance product for Muslim students and the UK economy (pp203-19). These included:
In July 2019, the House of Lords debated why, despite the passage of the Higher Education Research Act, a Sharia-compliant student finance product was yet to be launched.
In 2018, the then-Prime Minister, Theresa May, announced a government-led review of post-18 education and funding in England. In May 2019, an independent panel report (the Augar report) was published as part of the review.
The report proposed a number of changes to the student finance system but did not address the issue of a Sharia-compliant product in detail, only saying (p177):
It is important that students should be able to access finance support that is compatible with their religious beliefs. The government will need to consider carefully how the changes we are proposing to the student finance system affect plans to introduce a system of alternative student finance for students who feel unable to access interest-bearing student loans for reasons of faith.
In January 2021, the government published a short interim conclusion to the review that made no mention of introducing a Sharia-compliant alternative student finance product. In response to a petition on the subject that same month, the government said it was working through the “complex range of policy, legal and system issues” that still needed to be resolved.
A further update was promised as part of the review’s full conclusion.
On 24 February 2022, the government concluded its review and published a policy statement setting out reforms to the student finance system.
The only mention of Sharia-compliant student loans as part of the conclusion was a short paragraph in the policy statement. It said the government will consider “if and how” alternative student finance could be delivered as part of the LLE (p23).
As part of the government’s conclusion of its post-18 education and funding review, it launched a consultation on what was then known as the Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE). On 7 March 2023, the government published the outcome of the consultation on the LLE, which has since been rebranded as the Lifelong Learning Entitlement.
The LLE will replace the current student loan system in England and provide all new learners with a tuition fee loan entitlement to the equivalent of four years of post-18 education. This would be available to individuals to use up to the age of 60 on full courses and modules. People who have already received some publicly funded student finance may be eligible for a “residual entitlement”. Maintenance loans for living costs will also be available.
The outcome of the LLE consultation also said a Sharia-compliant alternative student finance product would not be available as part of the launch of the LLE, which at that time was planned for the 2025/26 academic year. The government said it remained committed to delivering such a product and hoped it could be accessible “as soon as possible after 2025” (PDF, p25).
The LLE was supposed to launch in 2025, but delays have now pushed this back to the 2026/27 academic year.
In July 2023, the then-Conservative government published a policy paper and blog post on its plans for alternative student finance in England. These were updated in November 2024 under the new Labour government.
They confirmed the new product would be:
The policy paper said the government had carried out an initial phase of work with the Student Loans Company to understand delivery costs and timescales. It has appointed the Islamic Finance Council UK to ensure alternative student finance will be compliant with Sharia law. The government will need to create secondary legislation to set out the amount of finance students will be entitled to and how repayments to the Takaful fund would be calculated.
The policy paper states that alternative student finance “needs to mirror the LLE” and so can only be introduced once the new system is in place from the 2026/27 academic year. The government said it intends for alternative student finance to be available “as soon as possible” after the introduction of the LLE.
This principle was confirmed by the Skills Minister, Baroness Smith, in a debate in the House of Lords in November 2024. She also said the government had reconvened the alternative student finance working group, which met quarterly under the previous Conservative government and comprises the Student Loans Company, the Islamic Finance Council UK, parliamentarians, and representatives from the Islamic community.
The Commons Library constituency casework article Financial support for higher education students sets out what other support might be available to Muslim students.
Degree apprenticeships allow people to study towards a free degree while working, without the need to borrow money for tuition fees.
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on the future of coastguard search and rescue helicopter services on 14 January 2025. The debate will be opened by Alistair Carmichael MP.
A summary of statistics on suicide in the UK from 1981 to 2023. Includes trends by gender, age, English region, and deprivation.
Headline student numbers increased to multiple new records following a short dip after the 2012 reforms. Progress has stalled in recent years and there are however ongoing concerns about numbers of part-time undergraduates and some disadvantaged groups.