Sterling exchange rates: Economic indicators
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A briefing paper on the Northern Ireland Budget (No. 2) Bill 2022-23
Northern Ireland Budget (No. 2) Bill 2022-23 (623 KB , PDF)
The Northern Ireland Budget (No. 2) Bill 2022-23 was introduced to the House of Commons on 29 June 2023. The Government’s intention is for all the Bill’s Commons stages to be taken on 10 July, subject to a Business of the House motion.
The Bill authorises the use of certain resources for public services in Northern Ireland for the year ending 31 March 2024. It seeks to authorise the release of the relevant sums from the Consolidated Fund of Northern Ireland, the use of those sums for specified purposes and for the Department of Finance in Northern Ireland to borrow on the credit of those sums. It will also repeal a spent provision from a previous Budget Act
A Budget would normally be the responsibility of the devolved Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive. These have not been fully functioning since February 2022, and therefore the Bill sets a Budget for Northern Ireland.
The text of the Bill and its Explanatory Notes are provided at the Bill pages on the UK Parliamentary website.
Northern Ireland Budget (No. 2) Bill 2022-23 (623 KB , PDF)
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Inflation measures the change in prices over time. Find the latest data on inflation in the UK, the Eurozone, and selected EU countries.