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The challenge of modern policing in an age of austerity has been a subject of much debate in recent years. Equally so has the changing nature of the risks and demands placed on the fire and rescue service and the rising pressures on the ambulance service.

Many have advocated closer co-operation between these “blue light services” in order to achieve greater efficiencies and cost cutting measures, and there have been many examples of local innovations to encourage joint working and asset sharing.

Government Policy

The Conservative Party Manifesto 2015 contained a commitment, ‘to enable fire and police services to work more closely together.’ This has been reiterated in speeches by the Home Secretary and Prime Minister made since the General Election, promising new legislation to enable greater collaboration between the emergency services.


The Government ran a consultation, Enabling closer working between the emergency services, between 11 September and 23 October 2015. The consultation is now closed and the Government is analysing the responses.

Role of Police and Crime Commissioners

One of the proposals put forward in the consultation was that Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) take on the duties and responsibilities of the local fire and rescue authorities, meaning they would be responsible for both police and fire services in their area.

This proposal has proved one of the more controversial with reactions mixed.


This Westminster Hall debate will be held on Tuesday 3 November 2015 at 1430hrs.

You will be able to watch the debate at

Debate packs are intended to provide a summary or overview of the issues being debated and identify any relevant briefings including press and parliamentary material. A more detailed briefing may be prepared for a Member on request to the Library.

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