The welfare cap
Since 2014 the UK government has had a cap on welfare spending. Here we explain how the cap is set and assessed. We also look at how the cap has changed.
Debate Pack: Role of the Treasury in supporting UK science (3 MB , PDF)
This debate pack has been compiled ahead of the debate on the role of the Treasury in supporting UK science to be held on Wednesday 4 November 2015 at 2.30pm in Westminster Hall. The Member in charge of the debate is Angela Smith Debate packs are produced quickly after the announcement of parliamentary business. They are intended to provide a summary or overview of the issue being debated and identify relevant briefings and useful documents, including press and parliamentary material. More detailed briefing can be prepared for MPs on request to the Library. |
Debate Pack: Role of the Treasury in supporting UK science (3 MB , PDF)
Since 2014 the UK government has had a cap on welfare spending. Here we explain how the cap is set and assessed. We also look at how the cap has changed.
In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the G7, EU and other allies and partners across the globe have imposed an unprecedented package of coordinated sanctions against Russia.
Inflation measures the change in prices over time. Find the latest data on inflation in the UK, the Eurozone, and selected EU countries.