New Homes (Solar Generation) Bill 2024-25
The New Homes (Solar Generation) Bill 2024-25 has its second reading on 17 January 2025. This Library briefing provides an overview of the bill and key areas of debate.
This Debate Pack has been complied ahead of the Backbench Business Debate on Preparations for the Paris Climate Change Conference to be held in the Commons Chamber on Thursday 19 November 2015. Debate packs are produced quickly after the announcement of parliamentary business. They are intended to provide a summary or overview of the issue being debated and identify relevant briefings and useful documents, including press and parliamentary material. More detailed briefing can be prepared for MPs on request to the Library.
Preparations for the Paris Climate Change Conference (243 KB , PDF)
In December 2015 representatives of 196 countries will attempt to reach an agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the aim of limiting a global temperature increase to below 2oC. If this Conference of the Parties (COP 21) in Paris is successful it will be the first time, from 2020, that both developed and developing countries will commit to tackling greenhouse gas emissions.
World leaders visibly failed to reach a satisfactory agreement on a successor to the Kyoto Protocol at the Copenhagen COP in 2009. The lessons learned from this failure have resulted in a great deal of preparatory work in advance of the 2015 Paris COP. The last two conferences, in Lima and Warsaw, very much focused on necessary steps for ensuring agreement is reached in Paris and there have been several preparatory meetings. The result of this is a 51 page text for the agreement which will have to be finalised and agreed to in Paris.
Countries have also published Intended Nationally Determined Contributions for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, or INDCs, ahead of the Paris conference. This is a bottom up approach, with the aim that aggregated contributions will add up to a 2oC limit on global temperature increases. However, the UNFCCC analysis of these has shown that the pledges as they stand, if implemented, would reduce expected warming of 4-5oC to around 2.7oC. In response there are calls from various negotiating groups, including the EU and the UK, for any agreement at Paris to include provisions for five yearly reviews of pledges. Developed countries also calling for clear rules and transparency on emission reporting to ensure targets are met.
Issues that are of particular concern to developing countries, and which have yet to be resolved, include how developed countries plan to meet their pledge of $100 billion climate finance (from public and private sources) a year by 2020. There is also the issue of compensation for ‘loss and damage’ to the poorest countries that have contributed little to climate change and where there is no option for adaptation.
Away from the negotiations China and the US, the two greatest emitters, issued a joint commitment to reducing emissions in November 2015. There have also been increasing calls from across the board for a meaningful agreement to be reached, including religious leaders. There is also increased global investment in renewables and away from coal. And for the first time the International Energy Agency provisional figures for 2014 showed there was global economic growth of 3% without any associated growth in emissions from energy use.
The UK has been seen as leader in the international negotiations up to date and the Government has restated its commitment to an agreement. However, the recent changes in renewables support policy, which have seen the UK drop down the league table of attractiveness for renewables investment have resulted in concerns both at home and abroad, about the UK’s continued commitment to implementing the changes required to meet climate targets.
The Library Briefing paper Paris Climate Conference sets out greater details.
Preparations for the Paris Climate Change Conference (243 KB , PDF)
The New Homes (Solar Generation) Bill 2024-25 has its second reading on 17 January 2025. This Library briefing provides an overview of the bill and key areas of debate.
A debate has been scheduled in Westminster Hall for 1.30pm on 16 January on government support for the marine renewables industry. The subject for the debate has been chosen by the Backbench Business Committee, and the debate will be opened by Alistair Carmichael MP.
This Library briefing gives an overview of how the profits from North Sea oil and gas production are taxed, and how the fiscal regime has been reformed in recent years.