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The direction of and budget for policing in London, carried out by the Metropolitan Police Service, is set by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). MOPAC’s Police and Crime Plan 2013-2016 includes the creation of Safer Neighbourhood Teams, led by a Neighbourhood Inspector accountable for dealing with crime and disorder in a local area. According to the Police and Crime Plan, ‘each ward will have a dedicated named constable and police community support officer (PCSO), who will provide recognisable faces within the community’.

Ms Karen Buck will lead a Westminster Hall debate on safer neighbourhood policing in London on Tuesday 5 January 2016. This debate pack is designed to provide some background and links to useful information in preparation for the debate. The proceedings of this debate may be watched on

Debate packs are intended to provide a summary or overview of the issues being debated and identify any relevant briefings including press and parliamentary material. A more detailed briefing may be prepared for a Member on request to the Library.

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