Potential merits of a Youth Mobility Scheme between the EU and the UK
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on the potential merits of a Youth Mobility Scheme between the EU and the UK on 29 January 2025, led by Sarah Olney MP.
The House of Commons Library prepares a briefing in hard copy and/or online for most non-legislative debates in the Chamber and Westminster Hall other than half-hour debates. Debate Packs are produced quickly after the announcement of parliamentary business. They are intended to provide a summary or overview of the issue being debated and identify relevant briefings and useful documents, including press and parliamentary material. More detailed briefing can be prepared for Members on request to the Library.
European Affairs (335 KB , PDF)
On 19 February 2016, after months of negotiations, David Cameron reached agreement with his EU counterparts on a legally binding Decision to address the UK’s concerns about its future EU membership. The full set of texts adopted as part of the New Settlement for the United Kingdom within the European Union are set out in the European Council Conclusions:
This Settlement will be the basis for the UK referendum on EU membership on 23 June 2016. To summarise, the package allows the UK to apply an emergency brake on EU citizens using free movement laws to come to the UK; restricts access to in-work benefits for up to seven years; links payment of child benefit for children not resident in the UK to the economy of their resident State; ensures equal treatment for Eurozone and non-Eurozone States in measures providing for more Eurozone integration; applies a single rulebook to all credit institutions and other financial institutions to ensure a level-playing field in the internal market; recognises that the UK is not committed to further EU political integration (“ever closer union”); promises to reduce the burden on business and provides a mechanism for national parliaments to object to Commission proposals (“red card”).
The European Council also discussed measures to tackle the migration crisis, Syria and Libya.
European Affairs (335 KB , PDF)
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on the potential merits of a Youth Mobility Scheme between the EU and the UK on 29 January 2025, led by Sarah Olney MP.
Countries that are considered to be supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine have increasingly faced US, EU and UK sanctions.
An overview of trade rules between the UK and EU including information and sources of advice regarding customs, imports and exports.