Debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects
A Westminster Hall debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects is scheduled for 15 October. The debate will be opened by Angus McDonald MP.
This pack has been produced ahead of the debate to be held in Westminster Hall on Wednesday 20 April 2016 at 2.30pm on the UK dairy sector. The Member in charge is Mark Williams MP.
Commons Debate Pack: The UK dairy sector (280 KB , PDF)
This pack contains relevant news items, press releases and parliamentary material, and links to further reading. For more detail, see Commons Library Briefing Paper 7564 UK Dairy Industry: Current Issues and Challenges |
Commons Debate Pack: The UK dairy sector (280 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects is scheduled for 15 October. The debate will be opened by Angus McDonald MP.
Use our interactive dashboard to explore data on electric and low-emissions vehicles, and charging points by local authority for the UK.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant threat to public health. This briefing provides information on the causes and implications of the development and spread of AMR and about UK and international action to address it.