Employment rights of people with a terminal illness
A Westminster Hall debate on Employment rights of people with a terminal illness is scheduled for Wednesday 18 December 2024 at 9.30am, led by Lee Baron MP.
MPs will debate Support for children and young people with life-shortening conditions in Westminster Hall on Tuesday 7 June 2016 at 9.30 am. Stuart Andrew MP will be lead the debate. This House of Commons Library debate pack contains a summary of the issues, relevant reports, press and parliamentary coverage, and links to further reading.
Support for children and young people with life-shortening conditions (194 KB , PDF)
It is estimated that more than 40,000 children (0–19 years) in England have a life-limiting or life-threatening condition. The charity Together for Short Lives has called for a more integrated commissioning approach from CCGs, NHS England and local authorities. Because hospices generally receive funding from a variety of sources, including charitable donations, provision can vary. In 2015, a survey carried out by Together for Short Lives and Hospice UK found that statutory funding for children’s and adult hospices was patchy and inconsistent.
Support for children and young people with life-shortening conditions (194 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate on Employment rights of people with a terminal illness is scheduled for Wednesday 18 December 2024 at 9.30am, led by Lee Baron MP.
A debate has been scheduled in the Commons Chamber for 12 December on a motion on the performance of the Medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency. The subject for the debate has been chosen by the Backbench Business Committee, and the debate will be opened by Esther McVey MP.
A Westminster Hall debate on the treatment of lobular breast cancer is scheduled for Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 2.30pm. The debate will be led by Helen Hayes MP.