Egypt: Introductory country profile
This briefing provides an introduction to Egyptian politics, human rights, trade, and international relations. It also signposts further reading.
The House of Commons Library prepares a briefing in hard copy and/or online for most non-legislative debates in the Chamber and Westminster Hall other than half-hour debates. Debate Packs are produced after the announcement of parliamentary business. They are intended to provide a summary or overview of the issue being debated and identify relevant briefings and useful documents, including press and parliamentary material. More detailed briefing can be prepared for Members on request to the Library.
Humanitarian situation in South Sudan (160 KB , PDF)
According to the latest Humanitarian Bulletin on South Sudan (21 November 2016) by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the humanitarian situation today is dire.
Close to three million South Sudanese have had to flee their homes since civil war broke out in December 2013. An estimated 1.87 million people have been internally displaced and over a million people are refugees in neighbouring countries. A fragile peace process collapsed in July 2016, triggering another upsurge in fighting, with Western, Central and Eastern Equatoria particularly severely affected. Also badly hit has been Unity State. Humanitarian organisations have been scaling-up their response. There are warnings of unprecedented levels of food insecurity in early 2017. An estimated 4.8 million people were food insecure in July 2016. There has also been an outbreak of cholera. OCHA’s head of operations recently said: “The gravity of the situation that the people of South Sudan face cannot be overstated.”
Meanwhile, amidst warnings of the possibility of genocide, the UN Security Council has authorised the deployment of a 4,000-strong ‘Regional Protection Force’ of East African troops to assist the beleaguered and much-criticised UN mission there. After a long period of hesitation, the South Sudanese Government has agreed to cooperate with the force, but it is not yet on the ground. Discussions continue within the Council about increasing sanctions against senior government officials believed to have obstructed peace efforts and imposing an arms embargo. The UK supports doing both. But Russia and China remain highly reluctant to support such measures. A resolution has yet to be formally tabled.
Humanitarian situation in South Sudan (160 KB , PDF)
This briefing provides an introduction to Egyptian politics, human rights, trade, and international relations. It also signposts further reading.
An overview of the relevant legislation, guidance and debates concerning the policing of protests.
What 'statutory public inquiries' are, how they operate and summary details on the progress of active statutory inquiries