Skills England
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on 9 October 2024 on Skills England. This debate will be led by Antonia Bance MP.
MPs will debate the effect on equality of the Autumn Statement 2016, on Wednesday 14 December 2016. This will be an Opposition Day debate. This House of Commons Library briefing provides a background summary and also press and parliamentary coverage.
Effect on equality of the Autumn Statement 2016 (132 KB , PDF)
The Chancellor gave his Autumn Statement on 23 November 2016. The Library briefing Autumn Statement 2016: a summary provides a brief overview of the key announcements.
The motion being debated in the Opposition Day debate references research which suggests that the majority of the net savings the Treasury has made since 2010 through tax and benefit changes will come from women. The motion also mentions research which suggests that the incomes of black and minority ethnic women are being particularly effected.
The Opposition are calling for the Government to conduct an assessment of the cumulative impact of its policies on women since 2010.
Effect on equality of the Autumn Statement 2016 (132 KB , PDF)
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on 9 October 2024 on Skills England. This debate will be led by Antonia Bance MP.
A Westminster Hall debate is scheduled for 9 October on government support for the RSPCA. The debate will be opened by Ruth Jones MP.
This paper provides a summary of apprenticeships policy and developments in England. It also explains how apprenticeships are funded.