Debate on government support for the RSPCA
A Westminster Hall debate is scheduled for 9 October on government support for the RSPCA. The debate will be opened by Ruth Jones MP.
A Westminster Hall debate on Unauthorised encampments is scheduled for Thursday 12 October 2017 at 1.30pm. The Member leading the debate is Wendy Morton MP.
Unauthorised encampments (188 KB , PDF)
Throughout the UK, the police and local authorities have powers to deal with unauthorised encampments. The detailed powers vary to some extent from country to country.
Responsibility for planning for the provision of sufficient Gypsy and Traveller sites in England lies with local authorities. Local authority powers to enforce planning law and police powers are set out in the Government guidance, Dealing with illegal and unauthorised encampments (March 2015). This emphasises in the introduction that authorities should not “gold‑plate” equalities and human rights legislation, and should be considering the harm that unauthorised encampments can cause communities.
Local authority powers to enforce planning law and policy in Scotland are set out in the Scottish Government’s Guidance for Local Authorities on Managing Unauthorised Camping by Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland, April 2017 and in Planning Circular 10/2009: Planning Enforcement. A number of powers are available to a local authority, depending on the exact activity taking place.
The main police powers to deal with unauthorised campers extend to England, Scotland and Wales, although there are slight differences to reflect Scottish laws on access to land. They include powers to direct unauthorised campers to leave land, and to seize vehicles in certain circumstances.
Trespass is a criminal offence in Scotland and in the Republic of Ireland. Generally speaking, trespass to land is not itself a criminal offence in England and Wales unless some special statutory provision makes it so. Any damage done by a trespasser while trespassing may amout to the offence of criminal damage.
Unauthorised encampments (188 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate is scheduled for 9 October on government support for the RSPCA. The debate will be opened by Ruth Jones MP.
The Holocaust Memorial Bill would remove restrictions on building a Holocaust Memorial in Victoria Tower Gardens. It is scheduled for its committee and remaining stages on 22 May 2024.
An overview of policy relating to the closure of bank and building society branches and to efforts to protect access to cash.