Employment rights of people with a terminal illness
A Westminster Hall debate on employment rights of people with a terminal illness is scheduled for Wednesday 18 December 2024, from 9:30 to 11:00am. The debate will be led by Lee Baron MP.
On 14 November 2017, at 9:30am, there will be a Westminster Hall debate on International Men's Day. The debate is sponsored by Jeremy Lefroy MP and is due to last for 90 minutes.
International Men's Day (239 KB , PDF)
There will be a Backbench Business Committee debate on International Men’s Day on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 9:30am in Westminster Hall. The debate is sponsored by Jeremy Lefroy MP.
International Men’s Day has been part of the mainstream annual events calendar in the UK since 2010 (it was first created in 1992 in Trinidad and Tobago) and is marked by 70 countries around the world. This year, International Men’s Day will take place in the UK on 19 November.
The organisation, International Men’s Day UK, has said that the focus remains on “how we can make a difference to men and boys, and, how we can give men and boys better life chances by addressing some of the issues that affect Men and Boys.”
There have been two previous debates on International Men’s Day in 2015 (Westminster Hall) and 2016 (Commons Chamber).
International Men's Day (239 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate on employment rights of people with a terminal illness is scheduled for Wednesday 18 December 2024, from 9:30 to 11:00am. The debate will be led by Lee Baron MP.
Information on how a child maintenance calculation can be changed when the child stays overnight with the paying parent.
There will be a debate on public perception of trades and apprenticeship completion rates on 17 December 2024 at 14:30 in Westminster Hall, led by Amanda Martin MP.