“Netflix” for antimicrobials: The Antimicrobial Products Subscription Model
The NHS will pay a subscription fee to pharmaceutical companies, which will give it access to new antimicrobial drugs for drug-resistant infections.
This pack has been prepared ahead of the debate to be held in Westminster Hall on Thursday 16 November 2016 from 1.30-3.30pm on World Antibiotics Awareness Week. The subject for the debate has been selected by the Backbench Business Committee and the debate will be opened by Julian Sturdy MP.
Commons Library debate pack - World Antibiotics Awareness Week (194 KB , PDF)
Commons Library debate pack - World Antibiotics Awareness Week (194 KB , PDF)
The NHS will pay a subscription fee to pharmaceutical companies, which will give it access to new antimicrobial drugs for drug-resistant infections.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant threat to public health. This briefing provides information on the causes and implications of the development and spread of AMR and about UK and international action to address it.
Informal and unpaid carers provide vital support for many people with health and social care needs. However, there is growing evidence that the demands of caring are increasingly impacting carers’ own physical and mental health.