Non-Domestic Rating (Multipliers and Private Schools) Bill 2024-25
A briefing on the Non-Domestic Rating (Multipliers and Private Schools) Bill 2024-25
Westminster Hall debate on devolution to Yorkshire.
Yorkshire devolution (1,022 KB , PDF)
A debate on devolution to Yorkshire, sponsored by Dan Jarvis MP, is to take place in Westminster Hall, at 4.30pm on Tuesday 9 January. The debate will last for one hour.
Yorkshire devolution (1,022 KB , PDF)
A briefing on the Non-Domestic Rating (Multipliers and Private Schools) Bill 2024-25
Local authorities must monitor and improve air quality to meet objectives. This briefing gives an overview of the local air quality management regime.
A briefing paper which "maps" (or summarises) the main elements of the United Kingdom's uncodified constitution.