Countering Russian influence in the UK
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK has applied sanctions and changed rules around visas and corporate transparency to counter Russian influence.

A further debate on the wider implications of and causes of poor treatment of small firms by banks such as the RBS's Global Restructuring Group.
Debate on redress for victims of banking misconduct and the FCA (152 KB , PDF)
This backbench business debate is sponsored by Martin Whitfield MP. It has been called to highlight the treatment of small firms that were referred to the Global Restructuring Group – a division of RBS – which dealt with small companies that were in financial difficulty. Many such firms feel that they were treated very poorly and their businesses suffered often fatal consequences at the hands of a group which had conflicted incentives. There has been a very lengthy period of enquiry, at least four separate investigations by different bodies, into what happened, including one on behalf of the FCA by a ‘skilled person’ Promontory. The FCA’s final Report was published just after the previous debate on this subject.
The debate will look at ways that smnall firms might seek redress other than through formal court proceedings.
Debate on redress for victims of banking misconduct and the FCA (152 KB , PDF)
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK has applied sanctions and changed rules around visas and corporate transparency to counter Russian influence.
A debate has been scheduled in the Westminster Hall on 26 February on government policy on high street rental auctions. This debate pack provides background and related press and parliamentary material.
The second reading of the Employment Rights Bill 2024-25 took place on 21 October 2024. This briefing covers the bill's progress from second reading through to the end of its committee stage.