Rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases
A Westminster Hall debate on rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases is scheduled for Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 9.30am. The debate will be led by Jim Shannon MP.
This House of Commons Library Debate Pack briefing has been prepared in advance of a debate entitled “NHS Cancer Targets”. This will be led by Mr John Baron MP and will take place in Westminster Hall at 2.30pm on Tuesday 1st May 2018.
NHS Cancer Targets (410 KB , PDF)
This Debate Pack contains background information, as well as press and parliamentary material, in addition to further reading suggestions which Members may find useful when preparing for this debate.
In 2015, the Independent Cancer Taskforce published Achieving World-Class Cancer Outcomes: A Strategy for England 2015-2020. This new Cancer Strategy for England recommended the introduction of a new 28-day diagnostic waiting target to replace the existing 14-day standard. In response, the Government committed to introducing the 28-day standard by 2020, as well as up to an additional £300 million more in funding on diagnostics to help meet the target. Much of the recent debate on cancer targets in England has been how best to promote improved outcomes through cancer targets.
This Debate Pack contains the latest statistics for cancer waiting times in England, based on the most recent NHS England figures. It also contains information and statistics on the cancer waiting time standards for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
NHS Cancer Targets (410 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate on rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases is scheduled for Tuesday 10 December 2024 at 9.30am. The debate will be led by Jim Shannon MP.
A general debate has been scheduled in the Commons Chamber for 5 December on pelvic mesh and the Cumberlege review.
A summary of statistics on sexual and reproductive health in England, with a focus on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV, contraception, conception and abortion, and related service provision.