Debate on biosecurity
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 9.30am on 4 December on biosecurity. The debate will be opened by Ben Goldsborough MP.
A debate will take place in Westminster Hall at 4.30pm on an e-petition for a new independent body for the protection of racehorses. The debate will be opened by Mike Hill MP.
Commons Debate Pack - e-petition debate on a new independent body for the protection of racehorses (173 KB , PDF)
A parliamentary petition by the charity Animal Aid calling for the creation of new independent welfare body to protect racehorses from abuse and death, ran from February to August 2018 and received a total of 105,361 signatures. The petition called for an independent regulatory body for horseracing welfare:
The Petitions Committee agreed on 4 September that the petition should be debated.
The Government responded to the Petition in March 2018 noting that it “does not consider that it is necessary to create a new body to protect racehorse welfare.” It highlighted the role of the British Horseracing Association in regulating the sport, and that the Animal Welfare Act 2006 protected the welfare of horses,
The British Horseracing Association is a self-regulatory body which is responsible for the governance, administration and regulation of horseracing and the wider horseracing industry in Britain. It also “leads on the development and growth of racing and prioritises the health and welfare of the sport’s participants”, including racehorse welfare:
Further information on racehorse welfare can be found on the BHA FAQ pages.
[1] Parliamentary Petition, Create a new independent welfare body to protect racehorses from abuse and death, 13 February 2018
[2] BHA , Equine Health and Welfare – what we do [webpage visited 11 October 2018]
Commons Debate Pack - e-petition debate on a new independent body for the protection of racehorses (173 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate has been scheduled for 9.30am on 4 December on biosecurity. The debate will be opened by Ben Goldsborough MP.
A Westminster Hall debate is scheduled for 9 October on government support for the RSPCA. The debate will be opened by Ruth Jones MP.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant threat to public health. This briefing provides information on the causes and implications of the development and spread of AMR and about UK and international action to address it.