Constituency data: Home ownership and renting
Find out how many households are homeowners, private renters, and social renters in your constituency, based on census data
On 13 December 2018, there will be a Westminster Hall debate on Protection for homebuyers, sponsored by Kate Green MP. The debate is scheduled to take place at 1:30pm.
The Library has published two briefing papers of relevance to this debate:
New-build housing: construction defects – issues and solutions (England)
This paper considers the existing building control regime and customers’ means of redress when faced with defects in newly built housing. It summarises the findings of the All-Party Parliamentary Group’s 2016 inquiry and explains the Government and industry response, including the Government’s recent consultation on Strengthening consumer redress in the housing market.
Leasehold and commonhold reform
This paper considers trends in leasehold ownership and ongoing problems associated with the sector. The paper outlines leaseholders’ rights and recent Government proposals to introduce further reform, including to:
The paper also discusses commonhold tenure, introduced in 2002 as an alternative to leasehold, which has so far failed to take-off.
Find out how many households are homeowners, private renters, and social renters in your constituency, based on census data
A guide to some reliable sources of information to help answer the most common constituents' housing questions.
Find out about the implementation of the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024 and further proposed reforms.