Adult social care workforce in England
An overview of key issues and policy concerning the adult social care workforce in England.
Westminster Hall debate on Establishing a Town of Culture Award
Establishing a Town of Culture Award (131 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate, initiated by David Hanson MP, on Establishing a Town of Culture Award will take place on Wednesday 23 January 2019 at 4.30pm.
The debate will be on the motion: That this House has considered establishing a Town of Culture Award.
Establishing a Town of Culture Award (131 KB , PDF)
An overview of key issues and policy concerning the adult social care workforce in England.
There will be a general debate on sport following the Olympic and Paralympic Team GB successes on Thursday 10 October 2024. The debate will take place in the House of Commons Chamber.
The single person discount on council tax means people living alone pay less council tax. Average council tax per person would fall if the discount were removed.