Documents to download

The Library will not be producing a Debate Pack for this debate but links to relevant Commons Library Briefing Papers and Government and Local Government websites are provided below.

Local government finance

Reviewing and reforming local government finance

A briefing paper covering the Fair Funding Review and business rate retention in English local government. 31 May 2018 | CBP-7538

Local government finance in England: Social Indicators page

Summary of the provisional 2017/18 local government finance settlement. 27 Nov 2017 | SN02648

Asset sales

Assets of community value

Note on the ‘community right to bid’ for ‘assets of community value’ introduced by the Localism Act 2011.28 Apr 2017 | SNO6366 Local authority assets

Guidance for local authorities disposing of land assets, 21 Mar 2016

Blog: The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Revealed, the thousands of public spaces lost to the council funding crisis, 4 Mar 2019

Social care

Adult Social Care Funding (England)

This Commons Library briefing paper examines the key funding pressures facing adult social care services in England and evidence of the impacts of these pressures on social care and health services. 12 Feb 2019 | CBP-7903


School funding in England: FAQs

A short, non-technical overview of issues around school funding in England and answer frequently-asked questions on this subject. 27 Feb 2019|CBP-8419

Implementation of the national funding formula for schools in England

This briefing paper looks at the implementation of the Government’s reforms to school funding from 2018, including the introduction of a new National Funding Formula (NFF) for schools. 10 Nov 2017 | CBP-8106


General Practice in England

There are different contracting methods for general practice. This includes the national negotiated General Medical Services (GMS) contract, used by most GP practices. Practices may also use locally negotiated contracts to provide flexibility in service. 13 Aug 2018 | CBP-7194

The structure of the NHS in England

Overview of the funding and accountability relationships within this NHS in England. Section 7 provides some background on local government and public health services. 7 Jul 2017 | CBP-7206 Public health grants to local authorities: 2019 to 2020

Government guidance on the public health grant; The public health allocations and monetary conditions for local authorities to improve health in local populations. 20 Dec 2018

LGA: Public health

Local Government website, information on public health. The transfer of public health from the NHS to local government and Public Health England (PHE) is one of the most significant extensions of local government powers and duties in a generation. 21 Mar 2019

Libraries Library services

Libraries Taskforce

Implementing the Independent Library Report for England, providing leadership and helping to reinvigorate the public library service. Includes a link to data:

The Supporting document, below, has data on public libraries using CIPFA stats for 2005-2018. This includes data on libraries by country and region in Great Britain.

Documents to download

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