Debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects
A Westminster Hall debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects is scheduled for 15 October. The debate will be opened by Angus McDonald MP.
This pack has been prepared ahead of the debate on the Children's Future Food Enquiry to be held in Westminster Hall at 9.30am on Wednesday 8 May 2019. The debate will be opened by Kerry McCarthy MP.
The Children's Future Food Inquiry (342 KB , PDF)
A debate will be held in Westminster Hall at 9.30am on Wednesday 8 May 2019 on the Children’s Future Food Inquiry. The Inquiry was co-ordinated by the Food Foundation and led by the All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) on School Food, and Hunger and Food Poverty. The debate will be opened by Kerry McCarthy MP who was a member of the Inquiry committee.
This debate pack provides information about the Inquiry and its report, as well as context on the issues raised by the report.
The Children's Future Food Inquiry (342 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects is scheduled for 15 October. The debate will be opened by Angus McDonald MP.
Statistics on the Child Maintenance Service, covering the number of users and the frequency collection and enforcement powers are used
A briefing on the childcare workforce in England, looking at workforce size, recruitment and retention, and an overview of recent government policy.