Parliamentary material

Consumer Access: Financial Services, House of Commons Debate, 6 June 2019

Banks: Competition:Written question, House of Lords, 22 May 2019 [banking hubs]

Financial Exclusion: Access to Cash, House of Commons Debate, 21 May 2019

Consumers’ access to financial services, House of Commons Treasury Select Committee, HC 1642 2017-19, 13 May 2019

Access to Financial Services inquiry, House of Commons Scottish Affairs Select Committee, 2017-19 [current inquiry]

Banks: Rural Areas:Written question, House of Commons, 4 April 2019 [banking hubs]

Banks: Closures:Written question, House of Lords, 4 March 2019 [what steps will the Government take to ensure that each town and large village retains at least one branch of a mainstream bank?]

High Street Banks, House of Lords Debate, 19 December 2018 [powers of the Government to require retail banks to maintain a presence on the high street]

Banks: Closures:Written question, House of Lords, 3 December 2018 [impact of bank closures on the elderly]

Community Bank Closures, House of Commons Debate, 8 February 2018

Banks: Closures:Written question, House of Commons, 6 February 2018 [consultations on bank closures]

Recent Parliamentary proceedings on this issue [Intranet]


Scotland is on the front line in the fight against “cash deserts”, John Detrixhe, Quartz, 31 May 2019

MPs tell government to intervene if banks don’t do enough to halt branch closures, City A.M. 13 May 2019

Is the demise of bank branches inevitable?, Business Insider, 10 April 2019

Derek French: I fought bank branch closures but now they’ve shut mine too (£), Sunday Times, 3 February 2019

Recent news on this issue [Intranet}

Further information:

Access to Banking: responses to consultation, National Assembly for Wales Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee, May 2019

Bank branch closures: is your local bank closing? Which? April 2019

A new public banking ecosystem: a report to the Labour Party commissioned by the Communication Workers Union and The Democracy Collaborative, Labour Party, March 2019

Final Report, Access to Cash Review, March 2019

Strategic Review of Retail Banking Business Models, Financial Conduct Authority, December 2018 [see Annex 1 in particular]

Bank closures: briefing, Age Scotland, September 2018

Does Local Bank Structure Influence Access to Finance? Evidence from Online Mapping, Centre for Responsible Banking & Finance, 2018

Bank closures: impact on local businesses, consumers and the Scottish economy, Scottish Parliament Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee, July 2018 and Response by HM Treasury

The financial lives of consumers, Financial Conduct Authority, June 2018 pp96-101

The Way We Bank Now 2018, UK Finance, May 2018 

 Access to Banking Standard, UK Finance, 5 May 2017

Labour will protect the high street by ending damaging bank closures, Labour Party, 14 April 2017

Access to Banking Protocol: One Year on Review, Professor Russel Griggs. November 2016

Abandoned communities: The crisis of UK bank branch closures and their impact on local communities, Move your Money, July 2016

Locked out: the impact of bank branch closures on small businesses, Federation of Small Businesses, 2016

Balancing Bricks & Clicks: Understanding how consumers manage their money, Social Market Foundation, January 2016

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