Debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects
A Westminster Hall debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects is scheduled for 15 October. The debate will be opened by Angus McDonald MP.
A pack will be prepared ahead of the debate to be held in Westminster Hall at 4.30pm on Monday 24 June 2019 on an e-petition relating to unsustainable packaging. The debate will be opened by Daniel Zeichner MP.
Commons Library debate pack - Debate on an e-petition relating to unsustainable packaging (322 KB , PDF)
The debate will be on the petition Ban the use of all non-recyclable and unsustainable food packaging, which reads:
Today the Earth is at a crisis point due to our plastic consumption, and as a result, people in the UK are more willing than ever to engage in recycling. Yet so much food packaging remains completely, frustratingly unrecyclable. Let’s aim for the UK to lead the world with a 100% recycling rate.
Every day we send to landfill, to decompose over thousands of years:
- Cereal box inner bags
- Peel-off film (fruit and veg punnets/ready meals/yoghurt pots)
- Almost all plastic supermarket fruit and veg packets
- Crisp packets
- Sweets wrappers
- Chocolate bar wrappers
- Styrofoam
- Vacuum pack plastic
-to name a few
The British public WANTS to recycle but we can’t get away from the vast amounts of waste that poorly designed packaging creates- appoint people to design alternatives and the UK will thank you!
Before the debate, a short survey will be open for public views until Thursday 20 June.
There’s a story with a link to the survey on Parliament’s Instagram:
Or you can go straight to the short survey here:
This pack contains relevant news items, press releases, Parliamentary material and useful links.
Please see also the Commons Library’s briefing on Plastic waste.
Commons Library debate pack - Debate on an e-petition relating to unsustainable packaging (322 KB , PDF)
A Westminster Hall debate on community benefits from renewable energy projects is scheduled for 15 October. The debate will be opened by Angus McDonald MP.
There are concerns about secondary ticketing sites, especially their pricing practices. This briefing considers current regulation and calls for stronger laws.
This Library briefing sets out financial and practical help for constituents with domestic energy bills.