The North Cotswold Line Task Force has produced a Strategic Outline Business Case [see attached document], detailing a series of improvements to the 86-mile railway line linking Hereford, Worcester and Oxford. Capital costs are estimated at £199 million.

The Task Force wishes the Scheme to be included in the DfT’s Rail Network Enhancements Pipeline and would welcome MPs support in moving the proposal to the RNEP ‘Develop’ stage.

Further reading

Railways: Capital Investment, House of Lords Written Question, 16 January 2020

Need for improvement on the Cotswold line, House of Commons Business Question, 9 January 2020

Rail campaigners group welcomes new timetable, Oxford Mail, 16 December 2019

New timetable launches for Oxford and the North Cotswolds with changes to 75% of all trains, GWR, 16 December 2019

Reversing Beeching, speech by Lord Andrew Adonis to the IPPR, 7 June 2019

Rail User Express, Railfuture, May 2019, p5

Passengers benefit from longer platforms in Cotswolds allowing more carriages to be boarded, Network Rail, 18 December 2018

Cotswold Line Upgrades, House of Commons Westminster Hall Debate, 28 March 2018

Rail Network Enhancements Pipeline: A New Approach for Rail Enhancements, DfT, March 2018

MP admits “frustration” with local train services, Evesham Journal, 1 December 2017

Local Transport Plan 2015-2031. Volume 3: rail strategy, Oxfordshire County Council, 2016 pp38-40 [North Cotswold Line and Cowley Line]

Rail boss calls for manifesto for future development of Cotswold line, Worcester News, 18 September 2015

North Cotswold Line, House of Commons Adjournment Debate, 17 October 2014

Cotswold Line Promotion Group – Founded in 1978 to encourage the fullest use of the line between Oxford, Worcester and Hereford